Benefits for
Silk+ Members
Silk+ Members get the Silk+ Bundle:
10 Silk+ Premium Podcasts (600+ episodes)
4 Behind-The-Scenes Videos
Access to the Silk+ Posts
Showcase in the Silk+ Expo
Try it all for FREE, see the *Silk+ Membership Plans* below
Listen to EVERY episode of these
Silk+ Bonus & Archive Podcasts!
Listen to the Silk+ Podcasts on your favorite Podcast App!
Silk+ Members support Independent Podcasting
Yep! I'm a one-man operation!
I do all the planning, scripting, recording, editing, posting, marketing, website management, and communicating with listeners.
I work you can relax, Harris 🙂
Feedback from Silk+ Members
"Calm, funny, factual, and I love a good smartass."
- Mary Ann
"Both my wife and I suffered from insomnia for the longest time. We tried everything - including a long stint on Ambien to help sleep. But your podcasts are a godsend."
-T. Russell
"I love all the topics and humor and it’s truly the only podcast I’ve come across that puts me to sleep and keeps me asleep for hours with no music or changes in sound to disrupt me."
- Bethany
"I can't thank you enough for making these podcasts. I've had problems falling asleep for 40 years. Now thanks to Sleep Whispers and Calm History I seldom lay awake longer than 15 minutes. It's stimulating enough to quiet my racing mind (unlike meditations, breathing exercises, ...), but calm/relaxing enough to allow me to fall asleep. I love your voice, your sense of humour and the fact you don't seem to take yourself too seriously. You come across as a very genuine and generous person, and I think that's what made me stick with your podcast from the get-go. So thank you!!!"
*Silk+ Membership Plans*
Each plan below has the same benefits.
(All Podcasts & 600+ episodes)
Thank you for supporting my podcasts!
*Annual Plan*
First week is FREE!
Then, billed annually as $47/year
Includes all Podcasts & 600+ episodes
*Monthly Plan*
First week is FREE!
Then, billed monthly as $5/month
Includes all Podcasts & 600+ episodes
❤️*Super Supporter Plan*❤️
First week is FREE!
Then, billed annually as $120/year
Includes all Podcasts & 600+ episodes
How does the "First Week is Free" work?
If happy, then your first charge will appear 7 days after you signed up (and your access to everything will continue).
If not happy, then cancel within 7 days of signing up and you won't be charged (but your access to everything will discontinue).
Become a Silk+ Member & get EVERYTHING below!
10 Silk+ Premium Podcasts (600+ episodes)
Silk+ Videos, Silk+ Posts, Silk+ Expo
Try it all for FREE, see the *Silk+ Membership Plans*
Silk+ Calm History: Bonus & Archive Episodes [Podcast]
90+ Ad-free episodes; ~30-150 minutes each
Archive episodes: older episodes only for Silk+ Members
Bonus episodes: special treats only for Silk+ Members
Public episodes: also appear here for your convenience
EVERY full-length episode of Calm History on ONE podcast!
New episodes are added each month!
Silk+ Sleep Whispers: Archive Episodes [Podcast]
300+ archive episodes; 30-60 minutes each
All the older episodes from the public podcast
Enjoy Whisperpedias, Story Times, Trivia Times, Fade Outs, Acorns, more
Silk+ Sleep Whispers: Bonus Episodes [Podcast]
100+ Ad-free bonus episodes; 30-120 minutes each (up to 2 hours each!)
Experimental episodes that NEVER appeared on the public podcast
Enjoy Outdoor whispers, Interviews, 2-Hour Batches, Typing, Crinkling, Music layers, more
Silk+ Sleep Whispers: Behind-The-Scenes [Videos]
4 videos; 8-100 minutes each
Private videos just for Silk+ Members
See my gear, recording space, and production steps
Silk+ ASMR Sleep Station [Podcast]
50+ Ad-free episodes; 20-60 minutes each (whispering voice)
All the original episodes from this classic whispered podcast
Rejuvenated here with permission from the original host
Silk+ Counselor Curt ASMR [Podcast]
20+ Ad-free episodes; 15-40 minutes each (whispering & soft speaking)
Relax with Mental Health Techniques & Topics
Provided with permission from Counselor Curt
Silk+ ASMR University: Bonus Episodes [Podcast]
10 Ad-free bonus episodes; 60-120 minutes each (calm speaking)
Bonus Batch episodes from the ASMR University Podcast
Relax and fall asleep as you learn about ASMR
*NEW* Silk+ Soothing Voices: Extra & Extended Episodes [Podcast]
New episodes are added every month!
Ad-free variety of relaxing voices (no music)
Enjoy stories, ramblings, poems, and more.
Silk+ Nature Sounds: Extended Episodes [Podcast]
52 Ad-free extended episodes: 1-Hour & 8-Hour versions of each sound
Pure nature sounds (no voices, music, introductions, or ads)
Enjoy raindrops, beach sounds, birds singing, crickets at night, and more
Silk+ Background Sounds: Extended Episodes [Podcast]
30 Ad-free extended episodes: 1-Hour & 8-Hour versions of each sound
Pure background sounds (no voices, music, introductions, or ads)
Enjoy white noise, ceiling fans, crowd murmurs, train rumbles, and more
*NEW* Silk+ Showcase: Klondike Gold Rush [Podcast]
New episodes are added every month!
Ad-free episodes about history
Feature #1: History of the Klondike Gold Rush (7 episodes)
Feature #2: Medical Mysteries of the Humanities (5 episodes)
Reproduced with permission from the original creators
Silk+ Private Post Message Board [Messages]
Upcoming episodes, Behind-The-Scenes stories, & Special images.
Messages will arrive in your email & are posted on the Silk+ Message Board.
You can read EVERY private message that I have ever posted.
*NEW* Silk+ Expo [Showcase]
A new place for Silk+ Members to showcase their own website, platform, or other site.
Your site/URL can be for a business, hobby, social media link, or content creation platform.
The Silk+ Expo is promoted in every new episode of Calm History & Sleep Whispers.
* Become a Silk+ Member & get EVERYTHING above!
Try it all for FREE, see the *Silk+ Membership Plans* below
*Silk+ Membership Plans*
Each plan below has the same benefits.
(All Podcasts & 600+ episodes)
Thank you for supporting my podcasts!
*Annual Plan*
First week is FREE!
Then, billed annually as $47/year
Includes all Podcasts & 600+ episodes
*Monthly Plan*
First week is FREE!
Then, billed monthly as $5/month
Includes all Podcasts & 600+ episodes
❤️*Super Supporter Plan*❤️
First week is FREE!
Then, billed annually as $120/year
Includes all Podcasts & 600+ episodes
How does the "First Week is Free" work?
If happy, then your first charge will appear 7 days after you signed up (and your access to everything will continue).
If not happy, then cancel within 7 days of signing up and you won't be charged (but your access to everything will discontinue).
*Silk+ Gift Memberships*
Want to receive a 1-Year Silk+ Membership for FREE?
[Request 1-Year Silk+ as a Gift]
Want to buy someone a 1-Year Silk+ Membership as a gift?
[Purchase 1-year Silk+ as a Gift]
Rewards for Silk+ Members:
Listen to hundreds of Premium Podcast episodes
View Behind-The-Scenes Videos
Read the Private Posts on the Message Board
Get more relaxation and sleep
Your support helps to cover:
Equipment: microphones, mixers, recorders, editing software
Monthly fees: website hosting, podcast hosting, URL domain fees
Efforts: preparation, recording, editing, posting of each episode
Questions about your Silk+ Membership?
Here are instructions for Accessing the Premium Podcasts
Here are many answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Or just email me at
I'm always quick to respond and happy to help!
Your podcaster buddy, Harris🙂
Silk Studio